Create responsive emails in minutes...

Create dynamic emails with ease

Design smarter newsletters using your editor of choice: drag & drop, rich-text, or custom HTML. Or start fast with pre-designed templates. Create professional campaigns that deliver.

Grow an audience of fans

Attract new people and turn them into loyal subscribers through websites, landing pages, pop-ups, and embedded forms. Cast a wider net for a healthy flow of new customers and business growth.

Optimize content that converts

Learn what subscribers want, test campaigns, and tweak content to be more effective. With features like A/B testing, segmentation, and surveys, your next campaign can outperform the last!

Automate targeting and workflows

Build subscriber trust and boost engagement by using advanced email automation that results in highly targeted and personalized emails. The best part— automation setup is now a breeze.

Sell digital products

Earn more income by monetizing newsletters with a recurring subscription or selling digital products - directly from your emails and landing pages. Your subscribers are ready to be customers!

Easy Integrations

Supercharge your email marketing by connecting your account to other web services. Enhance your workflows, leverage customer data and a whole lot more.



It is less expensive than direct marketing done with printed materials. The return on investment (ROI) is more than four times higher than other marketing channels.


It's instant, especially when compared to paper mail - an email arrives in seconds or minutes. It allows you to "push" the message to the public, as opposed to a website that "waits" for visitors to reach it.


It is easy to trace. Users can be tracked by following rejected messages, unsubscriptions, acknowledgments, click-throughs, etc. These can be used to track email open rates, positive or negative feedback, and ultimately marketing-derived sales.


It allows you to establish a "one to one" relationship, that is, to personalize the message according to the recipient who will receive that specific communication.


It allows you to test to see which type of message produces the best results based on the audience it is targeting.


Il pubblico a cui viene indirizzato può essere targetizzato e suddiviso in liste così da poter veicolare messaggi mirati e personalizzati;

Email Marketing?


Inboxes already saturated. Almost every company today communicates with its customers through the tool of email marketing. This means that anyone with an email address ends up receiving between 10 and 90 emails a day every day, more or less desired. For a company that wants to do email marketing, therefore, it is increasingly difficult to get noticed among the already saturated inboxes.

Spam filters

In the context described above, the different e-mail providers (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) have built higher and higher anti-spam walls, in order to protect their users from unwanted mail. For those involved in email marketing this means having to play by the rules dictated by these filters, in order to avoid that their campaigns are blocked and never reach the final recipient.


It came into effect in May 2018. Users' email addresses could be collected in a variety of ways or even purchased from agencies that were almost exclusively involved in collecting address databases and selling them to businesses. Today, however, a company that wants to do email marketing must guarantee total transparency and comply with the stakes of the GDPR.

Call to action

The call to action, or the user interaction with email communication, plays a fundamental role in the success of the campaign. Without adequate preparation, the activity could even generate negative feedback which, instead of encouraging the user, removes them from the company, considered invasive and not relevant to their needs and desires.

Mail Marketing it is not just sending emails

DEM - What is

Online advertising based on sending an advertising message via email to a pre-selected list of users is called Direct Email Marketing (or Direct E-Mailing, in acronym DEM). In Italy 900 million e-mail messages are received per day, about 30 per Internet user.

Database is able to provide databases of emails of users potentially interested in your business. Our email marketing lists can include company name, mobile, landline, city, state, postcode, email and industry.

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